Hear the Word as It's Written

Obscure Obscurity and the Rare Being of Faith

As I type this message, I realize it’s been several years since I begin this journey. Several decades since a youth defined by innocence became aware of the fallibility of man.

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We all fall down. We all get – picked up or pick ourselves up. We all get carried out of this life and into the next, willingly or unwillingly. It’s a journey filled with mistakes and possibilities, likelihoods and degrees of accepting what’s meant to be. Acceptance that doesn’t mean giving in or going without. Rather it means going within and finding yourself, your faith. Determining what you believe and ultimately living it out.

In my latter life it discovered me and I share it with you with this hope.

Proverbs 18:1 (NET) One who has isolated himself seeks his own desires; he rejects all sound judgment. The (BES) I had to look this one up myself, Benton’s English Septuagint reads, A man who wishes to separate from friends seeks excuses; but at all times he will be liable to reproach. And yet another translation The Bible in Basic English (BBE) reads, He who keeps himself separate for his private purpose goes against all good sense. The point being we all need someone to grow with.

I hope you find the person who is meant to walk with you through life (your partner) in life. Not just a partner and not necessarily the partner you choose, but find the partner who matches your strength and light. Find the one who helps you and you help pushing one another to the better place. There are several verses that speak to this point, like a triple braided cord is not easily broken (Here). Where two or three are gathered in my name (Here). The point is…

To find the strength, better said the power in your being in faith; you have to discover what’s in you. What makes you – you? Nothing defines us better than the people we choose as friends. The people we choose to influence our influence. The earlier we realize this the better our choices will be. Yet sometimes it, this knowledge, comes later in life. Later in the journey if you will. There’s not much we can do about the time it comes except. Push forward and fulfill the mission! And share the wisdom with others!

Share the wisdom with others… Like a voice crying (shouting) out in the wilderness…

You matter to Him yet so do people!

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