The actual title of this post is – New Year, New Hope, New seeds to grow.
I think perhaps this would’ve been a better first post if I had went forward with all that in the heading. Nevertheless. As the vision comes into focus let me be the first or one of the firsts to say. Happy New Year and blessings and positivity to you in this moment of celebrity and celebration.
Happy New Year and congratulations you made it!
Think about that for a minute. Another calendar is upon us and the dawn (time of this message as well) has arrived and goes forward. But let us not forget to remind ourselves.
This is the day. The day the Lord has made it.
So let us rejoice! And Be glad in it!
The first message of the new year is – Rejoice! and Be Glad!
Twenty Twenty-four certainly had its beginnings and endings. Yet 2025 still came. and you’re here to witness it. It’s birth at least. You’re here now. Rejoice! This is the day! I’m reminded of something Jesus said, “do not worry about tomorrow…” Matthew We have left concerns behind and added or await new ones or other ones but one day at a time. One moment at a time, You’ve got this! REJOICE!
I can’t say it enough but this is my word for the day and today. This is the day! Live in it and embrace it fully. The Lord has made. So you know it’s going to be good if it’s not apparent already. Trust the chef! Trust the process! and REJOICE! and BE GLAD in it!
Enjoy the New Year and Be Blessed!
Also be on the look out for my first cook book. I’m going back to my first love!