I’m sharing this message across platforms because it needs to be said. Mind that, it needs to be reiterated.
Only God’s word can deliver you.
Only God’s word can fix the broken pieces. Can cover every the secret situations. God’s word – effectively infused with your faith can change every dead condition you encounter.
That’s my message!

In the hour I’m writing this there is much on mind that I want to see brought to pass. Most of it personal – most of it for God’s benefit (in one way or another) to me and those surrounding me. Yet it also to the world – the body at large.
We forgot something along the way. Something must have gotten lost in translation over time. God’s word! Jesus spoke, “search the scriptures because you think you have life but they (the scriptures) are about me.” (John 5:39)
- I am the way; the truth; the light – John 14:6
- I am resurrection and life – John 11:25
Jesus told you who he is. What He’s meant to do.
He explained the history of the written word to reassure you. And then blessed you and told you to take it forward until he returned.
The question left then to you and I is, what are we putting forward?
Are we putting forward God’s word or are we mixing a message and hoping for the best?
This message and indeed the two part message I’m given in this hour is
Only God’s word can deliver you – God’s word will deliver you.
God gave the word – His word; His promise to man. At all stages of man’s development – He said I got you in essence.
He spelled out his promise further and further, even in founding a nation with one man who didn’t even get to see (physically) the nation being born. And before that man, the man (Abraham’s) gift, He gave it all to Adam;
He gave us his word – his promise from the beginning and constantly expound on it over the years to spell it out specifically what’s yours – your rights (and responsibilities).
Unfortunately people tend to read over the responsibilities to get to the rights and in that people generally miss the most important part of the message.
You have a role to play in this!
You have something to say about your situation and the situations around you. You have a tool to use!
You have to put forward what God gave you. God’s word!
God’s word can and will deliver you. Only God’s word!
I offer this message and other writings in production through Amazon richards books
Go fueled in faith and Be blessed!